
Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Another Day in Life

I have been trying to make a change in my life since about April.  To this point, I have probably made about 30-40 attempts.  I have been able to successfully put myself in a mindset where I am detached from the situation so I leave everything behind and am not complaining about it all day.  I am anxious to make the change because I feel like every day that I am still in my current routine, I am disrespecting my mom in some way by settling.  You have a limited amount of time on Earth, so it is a waste of that time and energy to not take every advantage you can.  She doesn't have those opportunities any more so I feel like I have to make the most out of my time.  I want to use my time doing things that are worthwhile and important and this is not it.


Mikey D said...

What is about the routine that you want to change? Is it "wasted" time (messing around the computer, watching a couple hours of TV, etc.)?

Perhaps try a To-Do list. I know it sounds corny, and I totally failed at mine (I did about half of the things...and I stopped blogging updates), but if you set small goals (this week I'm going to _________, or this day I'm going to __________) you will feel better. Trust me. Even stupid things, like trying a new recipe, where you're in the kitchen for an extra hour, will make you feel good. Many small changes over time=a bigger change.

I will say that it's impressive that you are able to detach yourself from a situation and not dwell/complain/think about it all day. I struggle with that one, and I think it's awesome you are able to do that.

Kevin said...

Don't despair, everyone goes through situations like this. It just means you're human.

If you're interested in the "why," here are a few lesswrong posts on the subject:

Kevin said...

Favorite Comment:

"Why is time so valuable? Think about it this way: Imagine you could mathematically work out the winning lottery numbers, but it would take you 50 years, or you could guess every week and never win the jackpot, but, on average, could make a few bucks consistently. Which approach will keep you in food and shelter until you reach the age that you can have children? The jackpot may be orders of magnitude more money, but you need the monetary resources up front in order to pay your way through survival.

Evolution doesn't seek out the optimal long-term solution, it seeks out the "just barely good enough for right now" solution. Unfortunately, as long as we continue to evolve in a world where time is as or more valuable than total available resources, we'll most likely never reach the point where "strategic thinking" is something we do by default."
- lesswrong user: gnovos