
Sunday, September 19, 2010

Quarterly Report

After three games into the college football season, I feel very comfortable with my preseason analysis.  I think it is appropriate to make some judgements about this year's team.  What we've seen is what we're going to get.  While they are 3-0 for the first time since 2007, Michigan State has been disappointing this season for the most part.  The defense, lead by Greg Jones (who Sports Illustrated named as the best player in college football before the year began), has not been able to get pressure on the quarterback or force turnovers.  Jones, who was listed for a pleathora of preseason awards, has only 1 sack and 2 tackles-for-loss.  The NCAA leader has 1 more than our entire team (5 vs. 4) and we rank tied for 80th in the country in sacks.  Our two team interceptions puts us tied for 58th.  Before Michigan State can make it to the next level, which I think means finishing seasons with no more than 5 losses and occasionally seeing a BCS game, we need a defense that can change the momentum in games.

The other player who has underwhelmed so far this year is Cousins.  MSU is tied for 78th in the country in passing yards per game, but some of that can be attributed to a surprising potent running game, which ranks 16th in YPG and is 5th best in YPA.  Cousins does not emit the confidence and decision making skills of a 2nd year quarterback that some labeled the best pro-style QB in the Big 10.  He has not established a connection with a solid, "go to" receiver, which is also largely due to Mark Dell's lack of improvement.  Drew Sharp called out Cousins this morning by saying, "he is more a game-manager than game-changer".  I felt that Cousins was going to be our best quarterback since Jeff Smoker, but that does not appear likely anymore.  I think I will be satisfied with an 8-4 season, but this is MSU's best opportunity to succeed for a while, so I wish we could accomplish so much more.  We have a fairly veteran team, we don't have to play Ohio State, and we don't have to worry about Nebraska yet.  I think Mark Dantonio has brought great leadership and impressive recruting to the program, so I am not about to throw him under the bus or put him on any kind of "hot seat".  However, I think he and his coaching staff must bring more creativity to the offense.  Cousins often looked uncomfortable in the pocket last night when he was pressured and Notre Dame seemed to have much of our play calling strategy figured out.  The fake FG in OT was a gutsy call (or perhaps a product of not trusting our new kicker in crunch time) and I would like to see more of that in the future.  Especially in big game situations.

The Rest of the NCAA    
-Perhaps I underestimated Alabama's capability of making a repeat appearance in the BCS National Championship game.  They have run over their opponents so far and the SEC is young this year.  The next three weeks will be the real test: @ Arkansas, vs. Florida, @ S. Carolina. 

-What does it take for a conference to lose their BCS-protected status?  The eight team Big East has more teams with two losses so far (Cincinnati, Louisville, and UConn) than undefeated teams (WVU and Rutgers).  Rutgers had a bye this week and almost lost to Florida International last week.  The highest ranked Big East team in scoring (S. Florida) is 25th in the country.  They are 1-5 against BCS conference teams so far this year and that statistic is about to get much worse.  Big East teams play #17 Miami, #7 Oklahoma, and # 15 LSU next week. 

-While I'm thinking about it, the ACC needs to improve as well.  They also have more two loss teams than undefeated teams.  Perhaps they should fight over one automatic BCS bid and call it the "Basketball Powerhouse Conference Championship Game".  I'm all for the BPCCG.

-Is Oklahoma good or not?  I really don't know.  They barely beat Utah State, then destroy Florida State, then squeak by Air Force.  They're 18th in the country in passing, but 80th in rushing.  29th in points for, but 62nd in points allowed (surprising since they are known for having a stout defense).  With as weak as the Big 12 this year, their October 2nd matchup with Texas should be the only thing standing in the way between them and a Big 12 Championship game matchup with Nebraska. 

-Michigan is certainly ecstatic over Denard Robinson, who should have the nickname "RichRod's Job Security".  But what about Rodriguez's castoff QBs?  Ryan Mallett leads the NCAA in passing yards for Arkansas and Arizona State's Steven Threet is 15th.  If Rodriguez would have been willing to adapt his offensive scheme to the talent he had, how much better would U-M have been in the past few years with Mallett on board?  Can you imagine Mallett leading the offense with Robinson coming in for trick plays or lining up as a RB?

-Stacey and I will be spending our 1st year anniversary at a resort outside Cleveland going to some wineries.  It's going to be very peaceful and beautiful.  But how drunk do you think I need to get her to see the Wisconsin game?


Mikey D said...

I've been very disappointed so far. I wanted to see dominance (or signs of it at least) in these first three games, and we didn't get it. The running game has been great, but I'm with you...what's up with the defense? I tell you what, I am not looking forward to that Michigan game. 200-200 is a pretty realistic statline for Robinson against us right now.

That said, we come in at #25 in the polls. Doesn't matter how you got there, 3-0 is 3-0.

Adam said...

Shit - I think he could hit 300-200 against us. Hopefully the team will rally around Coach D and give their best effort, because I don't really think we've seen it from everyone.