
Sunday, October 17, 2010

Is This Really Happening?

Thing I am happy to be wrong about:
On the Wisconsin game: "I don't think we have the talent to keep up.  If it is a close game, I think our kicking game costs us this one." 
Dan Conroy is tied for most FG made of kickers who haven't missed.

Other unbelievable stats:
-We've played 3 of the top 16 leading rushers and held all of them under 100 yards
-We're tied for 3rd with 12 INTs on the year.  Half of those came in the past two games.  We only had 2 INTs in our first 3 games.

Ranking my fear of losing in the remaining games:
Oct 30 @ Iowa
Oct 23 @ Northwestern
Nov 27th @ Penn State
Nov 20th vs. Purdue
Nov 6th vs Minnesota

-Does anyone feel we are on a collision course to play Alabama??  How sweet would it be to stick it to Saban?
-Did anyone else know there is now a "Kraft Fight Hunger" Bowl?  Unfortunately, it's not on Thanksgiving.

Other Bowl Matchups I would love to see:
Ohio State or Iowa vs. Nebraska - The Cornhuskers get a welcome party to the Big 10
Michigan vs. West Virginia - How badly would WVU fans boo Rich Rod?
Northwestern vs. TCU @ the Humanitarian Bowl - purple vs. purple on a blue field?  I think every HD TV in the country would blow up

Other thoughts:
Why would ANY recruit choose Michigan over Michigan State at this point?  U-M will likely lose at least 4 games this season and has a reasonable potential to lose another 2.

Why have the powers that be in college football decided that the system needs to give TCU and Boise State a shot the year that we are good?  Can it be argued that we are more Boise State this year than Boise State?  They need to develop a system that doesn't reward continuous success year after year so much.  Roughly a quarter of every team is new each year, so there is going to be a lot of parity.


Mikey D said...

It feels like a perfect storm.

No OSU on the schedule.

Wisconsin at home.

Penn State down this year.

Our first 7 games inside the state of Michigan.

We go to Iowa...after Iowa faces a brutal matchup against Wisconsin (I hope they win, so the Iowa game will hold more importance, and they have more of a chance of a letdown against us).

The trick play against many times in years past would that have backfired against us?


It's been fun so far. The next two weeks are make or break. We could lose both and finish 3rd or 4th in the Big Ten and this whole start will be quickly forgotten.

Alabama? Hmmm...that'd be interesting. If I can see us in the Rose Bowl, I really wouldn't give a shit who we play. The mother fucking Rose Bowl...that would be so awesome.

Kevin said...

I say Oklahoma vs Boise state in the National championship game,(rematch from the hook and ladder/statue of liberty game)
and us vs. Oregon in the Rose Bowl.

If they would just set up a playoff we could avoid this whole mess. Want to find out who the best team is? Have the best teams play each other and find out!

Adam said...

No fair - I called Oklahoma/Boise State before the season began.

Call me a wuss, but I am against a playoff this year. I think that MSU is fully benefitting from an easier schedule (no OSU, Penn State is down). If we were in an 8 team playoff, I think we would lose in the first round. If teams ahead of us lose and we wind up in the National Championship Game, we benefit from the system. Now if Boise or TCU get in ahead of us...