
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Go Bucks???

The more and more I think about Ohio State defeating Illinois and Purdue, I realize that it is better for us.  We need to accept that winning the Big 10 is now out of reach.  It's better if Ohio State has a ridiculously good season and continues to defeat the other top teams because it gives us the best chance to earn a higher final ranking in the Big 10.  Our Big 10 schedule so far has been much more difficult than others - Purdue still has to play Illinois and Wisconsin twice and a rematch against the Buckeyes.  Wisconsin still that Purdue series and two against OSU.  We still have our own challenges ahead, but I like that we only have one more conference loss than the #2 & 3 Big Ten teams.


Mikey D said...

Agree completely about OSU. Although I'd like to see OSU be beaten at least once just know they are about by us in Columbus?

I'm definitely done dreaming about a Big Ten title. With Korie Lucious being dismissed, I'm just hoping to have a cohesive unit come tournament time. I know we are already thin at the guard spot, but I'm hoping this is an "addition by subtraction" type deal. If chemistry improves and we become a more efficient team, that will be better in the long run for us. Of course, that may not happen at all and the loss of Lucious may have just killed our season.

I mean, who's going to fill the 1-8 shooting nights he's been consistently putting up =)?

Kevin said...

Durrell Summers says he's ready to jack up more ill-advised 3 pointers to fill the void...