
Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Oh No! Gas Prices!

Everyone is flipping out about gas prices. I watched the local news last night and the top story was Hurricane Katrina. The next story was about gas prices topping $3. The people they interviewed were flipping out and talking about how they have to change their lifestyle. Do they swim in gasoline? A $.30 increase for a gallon of gas for a 20 gallon tank is $6. Yeah, that sucks. Although, I have a 12.5 gallon tank and a tank lasts me about a week and a half to two weeks. I drive about 20 mins. to work each day. But the extra few dollars I pay won't break my quite small bank.

I think the thing that is frustrating me in this is where people are placing the blame. Which is surprising because people are blaming Bush. I didn't vote for him... I should be happy people are upset with him. But we all knew about his ties to the oil industry. Now people are surprised he won't regularly tap our oil reserves to control prices like Clinton did? (Yes, he did announce yesterday he will temporarily tap some reserves, but his reason was to make up for losses incurred by Katrina, not to relieve high prices.)

Why aren't people more upset with the car industry for not making Hybrids or Electrics sooner or faster? Why aren't they upset with themselves for buying an inefficient SUV? We have a limited resource that is projected to be extinct soon. And yet we still use millions of gallons a day. I think some Americans feel like it is their right to buy a huge SUV because they work hard. Well, it is! BUT, there are consequences for doing that and I will put you at the front of the blame line.

I read in the Washington Post today that Bush's disapproval rating is at 53% now. The main reason is anger over gas prices. If this continues, it is very likely we will see a Democrat take over the White House. The Republican candidate will most likely be a member of Bush's administration or a close friend. (Bush Sr was Reagan's VP, Gore was Clinton's VP) They will have the nearly impossible task of resolving the public's anger issues over gas and Iraq. I would like to see a good Democrat candidate win the next election, but isn't it weird how much of a role gas prices could play in the decision?

1 comment:

Adam said...

I can't be too tired... I found out this morning we're doing a doubleheader.

I don't like the high gas prices either... I was just saying there's a lot more beyond the $2.99 sign.

If you do take back the cans, can you pick up some dishwasher soap? We're out.