
Thursday, September 22, 2005

Back in the Everyday Life

I was disappointed that MSU gave up the 21 point lead to let Notre Dame back into the game because it reminds me of last year’s losses to U-M and Ohio State. BUT, Mike was completely right… a win is a win and we still beat ND. The true test of whether this team is different will be on Saturday at Illinois. State too often follows a big win with a poor performance (Last year they followed up their blow out Wisconsin win by not contending against a bad Penn State team). I really hope they can beat Illinois, because this game means more than the ND game. We most likely will lose a few games this season, so they have to take care of business against teams they should beat.

I had a ton of fun with Stacey in Mackinac. We did everything there is to do… even with a half day of rain. I have so much fun hanging out with her and we are completely comfortable with each other. I wish we were still there… especially after work this morning. Stacey said we should just stay and I said that would be fine until VISA calls me and tells me I have no money or credit. I had my card swiped more times than a blind guy walking down a back alley in Detroit. I wrote “See ID” on the back of my credit card… mostly because that’s what my mom does and I always listen to my mommy (ha!)
Most people asked me to see it this weekend… I’d say about 95%. I get a little annoyed when people don’t check it, because that is a little added security measure for me. Then I remembered when I was at Rockets, I never checked a single signature. I’m such a hypocrite… and I LOVE IT! It works especially well with my weak memory to make me always right.

I’m copying Mike who was copying Cori who probably copied someone else’s blog, but it’s fun, so here we go…
I am not: good with memory
I hurt: internally way more than externally
I love: Stacey (aww…) and sports
I hate: being stubborn and partisanship
I fear: not being able to get that first job
I hope: to not take things for granted
I crave: Taco Bell… or T-Bag as everyone at work calls it
I regret: a few things, but I don’t dwell on them
I cry: when I reach my stress breaking point… I never cry during a fight
I care: too much about what people think of me
I always: breathe
I long to: always keep my priorities straight
I feel: squishy
I listen: more than I talk
I hide: that I am upset in a fight
I drive: very well… I have the “bob and weave” when I am in a hurry
I sing: badly alone… you would be surprised how much ability you lose when
you don’t practice
I dance: stiffly… I need a few beers to loosen me up
I write: a few plays
I play: MLB 2005… it boosts my Nintendo ego that is crushed by Mike & Kevin
I miss: some of my college friends… it is always good times when we go out
I search: the internet often at work
I learn: technical skills much better than facts
I know: how to improve many businesses
I say: the right things
I succeed: usually… I don’t think I’ve given myself high enough goals yet
I fail: rarely…. I wanted to purposefully get a 0% on a meaningless HS test just
for the fun of it
I dream: about random people… I rarely dream about those most important to
I sleep: terribly on an air mattress… worth it to have Stacey spend the night
I wonder: how things became the way they are
I want: to work for the Boston Red Sox or an NBA/NHL team
I worry: about losing my parents
I have: what some have described as a boring personality, but I am happy with
who I am
I give: much less often than I want to
I fight: like a lawyer… I don’t show if anything affects me
I wait: to get a great first job
I am: who I am (Isn’t that Reebok’s tagline? I definitely am a marketer)
I think: that I have more answers than many of the talking heads on TV
I can’t help the fact that: I am stubborn in admitting I am wrong

If I were a color: green
If I were an emotion: ?
If I were a state of mind: ?
If I were a sound: ocean
If I were a book: you might be able to predict what comes next
If I were a song: it definitely would NOT be an emo or punk song

cried: about a month ago
bought something: yesterday (gas)
gotten sick: months ago… I have allergies a lot more
eaten: 2 hours ago (Fruit Loops)
been kissed: 2 nights ago
felt stupid: probably a few days ago when I talked to kevin (he makes people
feel stupid, I guess)
had a serious talk: 2 nights ago
missed someone: while ago
hugged someone: 2 nights ago

what type of automobile do you drive: Grand Prix that is poorly maintained
would you rather be with friends or on a date: whichever I have a better time
do you attend church: rarely
do you like being around people: for the most part
have you ever liked someone you had no chance with?: of course
have you ever cried over the opposite sex: yeah… after a breakup
have you ever lied to your best friend: yes
ever wanted to get revenge on someone because they hurt you: yep
rather have a relationship or a “hookup”: haven’t had a hookup
want someone you don’t have right now: no
ever liked your best girl friend: yeah
do you want to get married: yes… eventually
do you want kids: yeah, 2 or 3
what is your favorite part of your physical appearance: my genuine smile, not
the fake one
are you happy with your life: yeah… most aspects
if you could change one thing, what would it be?: get a full time paid job

have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: yes, Stacey
read the newspaper?: I read State News & LSJ online
have any gay, bisexual or lesbian friends?: all three
believe in miracles? No… but I believe human spirit can do unlikely things
believe its possible to remain faithful forever? yep
believe in God? yes
have any secrets? yes
have any piercings? no
have any tattoos? no
have a best friend? I don’t know that I have a best friend
have any bad habits? of course
care about looks? sometimes, but not Sundays... that is the day I don't give a damn
trust others easily? Not really


Adam said...

Sadly, you're gonna miss me again this week. I'm going to S-Town late tomorrow night until Monday for Stacey's cousin's b-day party and to see my family. I might miss the Sunday after b/c my sister's b-day is Sat.

And I don't think I have a best friend because I have a few really good friends.

Adam said...

MSU is 9-1 in the last 10 times they've faced a Top 10 team. BUT they have lost the last 7 games that follow the big victory.
I hope they win this weekend... just saying the history is bad.

Kevin said...

Speaking of making people feel dumb....Mike....when you're writing you can actually use quotation marks, you don't have to say quote/unquote.

If I had to compare the Spartans to an NFL team, they remind me more of last year's Colts. Almost unstoppable offense, but no defense.

Adam said...

I know that's a common phrase, but wouldn't that look like
"" asshole
since you end the quotes before the word?