
Thursday, September 29, 2005


Our company softball team won its first game of the season yesterday. We kept getting hit after hit. I went 3-4 thanks to a few good hits and one bad catch. I probably would’ve gone 1-4 or 2-4 against a decent team. It felt really good to score 2 runs in the game. I did give up an in the park homer when I overran a fly ball in the outfield, though. My weak skills made me realize my dad didn’t play sports with me enough when I was young. It’s ok though because he never was in the best of shape and I had a habit of quitting sports when it got a little tough. My last season of baseball ended with me getting beaned 2 or 3 times in a coach’s pitch league (which really is inexcusable… how bad or drunk do you have to be to hit a kid 3 times in one game). I quit soccer when I decided that it wasn’t worth waking up early on a Saturday to run around the field and never score a goal. Sleeping in, cartoons, and doughnuts really are better than soccer, so that wasn’t a bad decision. I played floor hockey in Ann Arbor for a season, but I don’t remember why I didn’t do it longer than that. The only thing I remember about it is having fun getting penalized 3 or 4 times in one game. I quit tennis after I broke my foot. But then again I quit most of my extracurriculars my senior year. I don’t regret quitting tennis… I regret not practicing more and wasting my parents’ money on lessons. If I could go back to when I was 7, I’d take hockey lessons… except I wouldn’t be wasting my parents’ money on them. I wish I had become serious about playing hockey because I love the game. I remember a boy scout event (yeah, haha! I was a boy scout!) where we rented out an ice skating arena for a night. We played hockey until 2am and I got to put on one of my friends’ full goalie pads. I looked really short and fat. I think hockey has the best equipment of any sport because the jerseys look cool and you get big pads and a stick. I really do wish I played hockey when I was younger… not just because of the uniform. For a while I have intended on playing on a company hockey team or playing in an adult league when I get some money.

I can’t wait for the MSU game. This is why I am worried U-M will win.
1.Mike Hart will play. He is listed as questionable right now, but trust me he’ll play. The other running backs are talented, but they have had key fumbles. Mike Hart ran over 200 yards on MSU last year. The other backs won’t do that.
2.U-M has more motivation. They have to prove that they aren’t as bad as everyone is saying they are. They have fallen a lot from that #3 spot they had. MSU has motivation to keep up their success, but the end of the season is a long time away.
3.Our kicking game. We haven’t seen a lot out of the kickers and this game will probably be close. They can’t afford to miss much.

With that said, I think MSU will win and I’m making a bet with a coworker on the game. Hopefully I won’t have to end up walking around the office in a U-M sweatshirt on Monday.


Adam said...

U-M Stupidity of the Day:
Maize and Blue fans who want U-M to get rid of Lloyd Carr and bring in a coach who can restore them to "national championship caliber". They've won one national title in the past 50 years... and it was UNDER LLOYD CARR!!!

Kevin said...

"Sleeping in, cartoons, and doughnuts really are better than soccer"

Blasphemy! Nothing is better than soccer.

I wish I had played hockey too, but hockey means getting up even earlier. One of my neighbors back in plymouth was on a hockey team, and the only time his team could get any ice time was 4am. And that's for U10!

I think I like hockey because it is similar in style to soccer. (Although that might change with the new NHL rules) But really hockey is only indoor soccer on skates with bigger pads,

and a much smaller net

and with checking

and a big stick

and it's really cold

and the ball is really small and shaped like a disc

and Canadiens are good at it.

But other than all that, they're exactly the same!

Adam said...

Just to be fair...

MSU Stupidity of the Day:
A State News writer today made comparisons between restaurants in East Lansing and Ann Arbor (which is hard to do since A2 is a much better town). She compared Gandy Dancer (Avg. entree price is $20) with Clara's ($7-17) because both are old train stations. If you've been to these restaurants, you'd know they don't compare. Clara's is a country fried steak/jeans type of place whereas Gandy is a crab legs/mediterranean fish/shirt and tie place. EL does NOT compare to A2.