
Saturday, October 08, 2005

My Sweet I'm-Better-Than-You Sixteen

Let's take a stroll down my bad memory lane. That's to say that I have a bad memory, not that my memories are all bad. Let's go back almost seven years... to December 1998... my sixteenth birthday. I couldn't tell you any of the details... I can hardly tell you the details of last week. But I know that I went out to dinner with my family and had some friends over to hang out in the basement and watch movies. I probably got some CDs and maybe some video tapes (those are the weird boxy things that we watched movies on back then) and probably a few video games. Apparently I was ripped off because I didn't get a Mercedes convertible and have my friends do a choreographed dance for me. At least thats what this show "My Super Sweet Sixteen" tells me.

I watched this show a few times this weekend. Mostly because I enjoy watching things that make me upset. Upset enough to write about it hours later. It's the same reasoning that propelled Fox News into the top of the ratings. People like getting mad at idiots. Like the parents of these kids. Why do you let your bratty daughter dress like a ho for her sixteenth birthday? I'm a pretty liberal person, but if I had a daughter, I would not let her try and convince me that I have to let her dress up like a vegas showgirl with a feather coming out of her ass. I wondered to myself, "Why do these girls want to dress like a ho?" Is it to rub it in the other girls, who aren't allowed to dress like hos, faces? That is what all of these parties are about... to rub their spoiled lifestyles in the other girls faces. Which is why the parents spend twice what I'd like to make this year on a party. To rub it in the faces of the other kids' parents. "Haha... my parenting might be leading Buffy to the life of a golddigger or a porn star, but I have more money than you" That's telling them.

I am just glad that I can be at home this weekend and be lazy enough to get pissed off at MTV.


Kevin said...

I agree with everything you said.

But I don't need to watch the show to make me angry, that such a show even exists is enough. If I was ever forced to watch an entire episode, I think my head would explode.

Adam said...