
Monday, October 17, 2005

Priviledge High

There's a high school principal in New York that is taking a stand against exactly what I was talking about earlier with priviledged high schoolers. He cancelled prom because parents were renting a party house in the Hamptons, boats for post prom "booze cruises", and holding cocktail parties for their kids. He said that there was too much sex, alcohol, and money being spent on "bacchanalian aspects." I don't know what that means... maybe it's an STD.

I am biased because I really hate prom, but I do think it's fair for him to cancel it. He tried things in the past that didn't work and it's a private catholic school. Parents are all pissed off because they say he doesn't have the right to judge what goes on after prom. The problem is the parents aren't making good judgements, so he has to. I don't understand why some rich parents let their 17 and 18 year old kids act like the Hiltons. I also don't understand why my high school didn't have rental party houses... damn that'd be fun.

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