
Monday, May 24, 2010


As Stacey can attest, I don't deal with change that well. In the past six months, my office has had 5 new hires and added 3 new positions. Our office dynamic has swung so much I think I'm sea sick. I have been having to take more of a leadership position to keep things together and I'm glad I can step back now.

In regards to change I have implemented myself, I am very happy with how well painting our basement has turned out. It definitely wasn't a selling feature of the house. It is 1/3 finished, 1/3 laundry room, 1/3 crawl space. The part that is finished is modestly sized - big enough to hang out in but not enough to supplant our "family room". It has wood paneling, which gives me a "parents baseroom" vibe, even though my parents never had wood paneling. We decided to paint it an off-white color. The y-chromosome in me says it's white, but apparently it is off-white enough to appease Stacey. It brightened up the room nicely and makes the basement look a little larger than before. With the temperatures jumping past 80 recently, I could see myself spending more time down there to save a little on our energy bill. I think I want to take it one step further and add track lighting to really brighten it up. Now I need to study up on electrical maintenance.

1 comment:

Mikey D said...

"The y-chromosome in me says it's white, but apparently it is off-white enough to appease Stacey." Haha, I like that line.

Careful with the lighting (if you decide to do it)! I thought about putting in a light in our dining room, but went with professionals instead, and I'm so glad I did.

It took them four hours and two men to get the light installed. That would be the equivalent of me spending 3-4 months doing it. Plus they had all the right tools and knew what the fuck they were doing. I mean, the last thing you want is to mess up your electrical work.

Sounds like a good investment though, with summer coming and how much time you'll be spending down there.