
Wednesday, May 19, 2010


I know neither of you watch Lost, but I am very excited for the end. How could you not be intrigued by this?? (It's not an actual promo, but was created by some fan with a lot of time on their hands).


Mikey D said...

I'm sure if I had watched the show from the beginning I'd be just as pumped as you. But since I know none of the characters and storyline, it's kind of hard for me to get too excited. Or intrigued I guess.

I hope it ends well though! Nothing like a shitty ending to a series to leave a bad taste in your mouth...

Oh, and I love the new layout! Are you going to change the design to match the sporting season?

Kevin said...

The ending of Lost:

JJ Abrams wakes up and tells his wife about "this crazy dream I had..."

It's that or it will be some ambiguous ending which no one will be able to puzzle out what it means.

Either way, I'm predicting a lot of disappointed Lost fans. I'm rooting for you guys to get the answers you want though, I hate it when a series ends badly.