I am taking Mike's advice to think about how I got here, this amazing land of opportunities, this Okemos. In my 22 years, I have:
Seen a surprise concert by Eminem after watching the premiere of 8 Mile
Marched in a Disney World parade
Performed on a Disney World stage
Played "Survivor" with 7 people for a week in a small room with barely anything else(I swear it was fun)
Planned that same event the next year as it was going on
Watched a MSU football game from the press box and interviewed players after the game
Hosted a radio show (as crappy as I was) that people actually listened to
Competed on the tennis team (as crappy as I was) and won second place on a bum ankle
Interned at the Palace and walked around the backstage like I owned the place
Gone to some good parties and many bad parties
Gone to many good games like U-M/MSU Football 2001 and MSU Hockey def U-M @ Yost
Graduated from college (graduation wasn't that fun, but I'm still proud
And that's just what my crappy memory came up with in 10 minutes. I like Kevin's quote about not worrying about things that you can't change because that was the most important thing I learned freshman year of college.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005
Monday, June 27, 2005
Let's Go Nuts... About Decisions!
Last March, I had an interview with the Lugnuts for the marketing internship. It lasted ten whole minutes. And I'm pretty sure I waited in the lobby for three of those minutes and two of those minutes were devoted to pre-interview bullshit like "how's that weather"... very weathery, that's how. Surprisingly, I didn't get the job. I promised myself then that I would have the marketing internship by Christmas. I procrastinated a little on that schedule, but they offered it to me last week. If I take it, this will be the only way of communicating with me. On game days, I will come in at 8:30 am and leave around 10:30. But not the good 10:30... the bad 10:30. It will be a lot of fun because I will get to help with the broadcast and schmooz with people and go on the field a lot. I know it is what I want to do... I hate it that money gets in the way. I will probably make it by and not lose any money (like I did last summer when I had to drive to Detroit to be a Shock intern). I know I will do amazing things for a marketing department someday... I guess this is the road to get there.
Basketball has the most attitude, so the marketing needs to reflect that. Flashy entrances, energized bands, and a hot dance team are a must. But why not try a courtside DJ or pep band? If done right, it wouldn't exploit the urban stereotypes of the NBA or be a carbon copy of college. Baseball is much more of a stadium experience because of the giant outdoor field. In game promo spots in a Major League stadium should be targeted at a few sections. Special promotion days work best in baseball... but the key is to dive deep into them. Don't just give something away - think about how you can fit the look of the stadium, the concessions sold, and the music that is played into the theme. Football is the most dominant sport. Very little needs to be done beyond putting a team that is exciting to watch. That is why Charles Rogers was a person that the Lions had to draft. Hockey does not exist currently and will be on life support when it returns. The main network that is considering broadcasting NHL games is Spike TV... I'm not smart enough to save it.
Basketball has the most attitude, so the marketing needs to reflect that. Flashy entrances, energized bands, and a hot dance team are a must. But why not try a courtside DJ or pep band? If done right, it wouldn't exploit the urban stereotypes of the NBA or be a carbon copy of college. Baseball is much more of a stadium experience because of the giant outdoor field. In game promo spots in a Major League stadium should be targeted at a few sections. Special promotion days work best in baseball... but the key is to dive deep into them. Don't just give something away - think about how you can fit the look of the stadium, the concessions sold, and the music that is played into the theme. Football is the most dominant sport. Very little needs to be done beyond putting a team that is exciting to watch. That is why Charles Rogers was a person that the Lions had to draft. Hockey does not exist currently and will be on life support when it returns. The main network that is considering broadcasting NHL games is Spike TV... I'm not smart enough to save it.
Thursday, June 23, 2005
Game 7 Analysis
Why The Pistons Will Win
Momentum, foul calls, experience. Their victory in the last game proved they can beat the Spurs at SBC. In a game seven, referees will most likely have the "let them play" mentality and will call fewer fouls. Also, Dan Crawford and Ron Garretson will most likely not be working the game tonight. Pistons are something like 13-1 in this year's playoffs when that is the case. Finally, they proved against Miami that they can have the focus at the end of a game seven to clinch it. They're undefeated in series clinching games.
Why The Spurs Will Win
Home court, adjustments, something to prove. Having the crowd behind you is a factor and the Spurs have only lost 6 games at SBC this year. The stat sheet shows they lost the last game on missed three point opportunities. Detroit was 8-17 (47%) and the Spurs were 8-28 (28%). I don't see the Spurs taking and missing as many 3's in game 7. And you can't underestimate the drive a team has when there is something to prove. The Spurs gave up a game that everyone says they should've won and TD is getting a lot of criticism for missed free throws and not making the necessary plays to close out games. The Pistons weren't expected to get to a game 7 and nobody would blame them for not winning two road games to clinch a championship.
Momentum, foul calls, experience. Their victory in the last game proved they can beat the Spurs at SBC. In a game seven, referees will most likely have the "let them play" mentality and will call fewer fouls. Also, Dan Crawford and Ron Garretson will most likely not be working the game tonight. Pistons are something like 13-1 in this year's playoffs when that is the case. Finally, they proved against Miami that they can have the focus at the end of a game seven to clinch it. They're undefeated in series clinching games.
Why The Spurs Will Win
Home court, adjustments, something to prove. Having the crowd behind you is a factor and the Spurs have only lost 6 games at SBC this year. The stat sheet shows they lost the last game on missed three point opportunities. Detroit was 8-17 (47%) and the Spurs were 8-28 (28%). I don't see the Spurs taking and missing as many 3's in game 7. And you can't underestimate the drive a team has when there is something to prove. The Spurs gave up a game that everyone says they should've won and TD is getting a lot of criticism for missed free throws and not making the necessary plays to close out games. The Pistons weren't expected to get to a game 7 and nobody would blame them for not winning two road games to clinch a championship.
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
Lost in the Headlines
They had an hour special with that Runaway Bride and her fiance' last night on NBC. She ran off and claimed that she was kidnapped, but admitted she made the whole thing up when they found her. WHO CARES?! She is going to get a book and TV movie deal with NBC, which means she is going to make money off of this. Maybe I should follow in her heroic footsteps and claim a hispanic man kidnapped me.
The boy that was lost at a Utah Boy Scout Camp was found yesterday 5 miles away from where he was last seen and police claim that there wasn't any foul play involved. Now his parents are acting like he is a hero. He was the one that got himself lost to begin with. He didn't get kidnapped - he just walked off. I hope the Boy Scouts don't let him in because he sucks. I wonder when his NBC TV movie will come out. I can't wait to hear about his scary ordeal and the dramatic ending of him getting to level 10 at a game of Tetris on one of the rescuer's cell phone.
At least this is all we have to talk about in the news. Thats a good sign, right?
Midday Update:
His parents said what got him off the mountain was his hopes that the Pokemon cards he ordered from E-Bay had arrived. Not his life ahead of him, not his friends and family, not even his pet - his motivation was a 3*5 card with a picture of a cartoon blob. This kid is stupid.
The boy that was lost at a Utah Boy Scout Camp was found yesterday 5 miles away from where he was last seen and police claim that there wasn't any foul play involved. Now his parents are acting like he is a hero. He was the one that got himself lost to begin with. He didn't get kidnapped - he just walked off. I hope the Boy Scouts don't let him in because he sucks. I wonder when his NBC TV movie will come out. I can't wait to hear about his scary ordeal and the dramatic ending of him getting to level 10 at a game of Tetris on one of the rescuer's cell phone.
At least this is all we have to talk about in the news. Thats a good sign, right?
Midday Update:
His parents said what got him off the mountain was his hopes that the Pokemon cards he ordered from E-Bay had arrived. Not his life ahead of him, not his friends and family, not even his pet - his motivation was a 3*5 card with a picture of a cartoon blob. This kid is stupid.
Monday, June 20, 2005
It Was Like A Dream...
I'm not going to talk about you know what and who should've been guarding you know who because it is upsetting and we all know what I would say. SO...
Weird day yesterday and today so far. I wasn't planning on going home for fathers day and my mom and I had a big fight over the phone when she found out I didn't have to work like she thought I did. I cried for the first time in a really long time because she was talking to me in front of my dad, so it must've sounded to him like I REALLY didn't want to come home for father's day. Also, she made me feel guilty for them all coming two days in a row for my graduation. In the end, I had a really good time and it meant a lot to my dad that I was there.
On the way home, I detoured around the race traffic on Michigan Ave. and went out of Saline on Bemis, which happens to be the first time I've driven the route to Katie's house since... It felt a little weird, but I thought little of it. I think being in Saline again stirred up some HS memories, because in my dream last night I was back in HS. I don't remember much of it, but today I really miss certain things. I miss playing for the tennis team (even though I was bad), I miss seeing Katie dressed preppy with straight brown hair (even though that isn't her anymore), I miss seeing Melanie and Diane, I miss hanging out with everyone during VB practice (I don't miss performing... and I don't miss that practice where everyone was talking about me behind my back...) I just don't feel comfortable right now being a 22 year old college graduate that works in an office all day. Maybe a trip to the bar tonight can cure that...
Weird day yesterday and today so far. I wasn't planning on going home for fathers day and my mom and I had a big fight over the phone when she found out I didn't have to work like she thought I did. I cried for the first time in a really long time because she was talking to me in front of my dad, so it must've sounded to him like I REALLY didn't want to come home for father's day. Also, she made me feel guilty for them all coming two days in a row for my graduation. In the end, I had a really good time and it meant a lot to my dad that I was there.
On the way home, I detoured around the race traffic on Michigan Ave. and went out of Saline on Bemis, which happens to be the first time I've driven the route to Katie's house since... It felt a little weird, but I thought little of it. I think being in Saline again stirred up some HS memories, because in my dream last night I was back in HS. I don't remember much of it, but today I really miss certain things. I miss playing for the tennis team (even though I was bad), I miss seeing Katie dressed preppy with straight brown hair (even though that isn't her anymore), I miss seeing Melanie and Diane, I miss hanging out with everyone during VB practice (I don't miss performing... and I don't miss that practice where everyone was talking about me behind my back...) I just don't feel comfortable right now being a 22 year old college graduate that works in an office all day. Maybe a trip to the bar tonight can cure that...
Friday, June 17, 2005
Return of the Random Musings
What does ESPN stand for? S is probably sports and N is probably network. But the E & the P? Every Sport Possible Network? But when is the last time you saw rowing on Sportscenter?
Why is the keypad on a telephone or cellphone numbered 1-9 from the top down while a calculator or computer numberpad numbered 1-9 bottom to top? Which is correct?
What does "Quil" mean in DayQuil or Nyquil?
What happened to Southern Michigan University?
If CNN stands for Cable News Network, and Fox News is a network on cable, does that mean they don't really have any news? If they did, wouldn't they also be a cable news network?
Why are they called the Buffalo Bills? Why is their logo a Buffalo? Shouldn't they be the Buffalo Buffaloes?
I think what doomed Destiny's Child is their name. Child is singular. Shouldn't they have been Destiny's Children? Unless Destiny's Child just refers to Beyonce. I wouldn't be surprised.
Every U.S. President with a beard has been a Republican.
What does ESPN stand for? S is probably sports and N is probably network. But the E & the P? Every Sport Possible Network? But when is the last time you saw rowing on Sportscenter?
Why is the keypad on a telephone or cellphone numbered 1-9 from the top down while a calculator or computer numberpad numbered 1-9 bottom to top? Which is correct?
What does "Quil" mean in DayQuil or Nyquil?
What happened to Southern Michigan University?
If CNN stands for Cable News Network, and Fox News is a network on cable, does that mean they don't really have any news? If they did, wouldn't they also be a cable news network?
Why are they called the Buffalo Bills? Why is their logo a Buffalo? Shouldn't they be the Buffalo Buffaloes?
I think what doomed Destiny's Child is their name. Child is singular. Shouldn't they have been Destiny's Children? Unless Destiny's Child just refers to Beyonce. I wouldn't be surprised.
Every U.S. President with a beard has been a Republican.
Thursday, June 16, 2005
Waiting Game
I have checked my e-mail way too much today. Finding a full time job is much more complicated than choosing a college. I don't really want to get into the details, so I will move on to something more fun.
Stacey and I started the Star Wars di-triology (Episodes 1-6) last night. We have already completed the 24 Seasons 1 & 2 marathons as well as the "Brat Pack" fest. To answer your question, they rank #1 Breakfast Club #2 St. Elmo's Fire #3 Sixteen Candles #4 Pretty in Pink. You can't truly appreciate "Not Another Teen Movie" until you watch those movies. I like watching movies with her because it never gets boring.
No musings or facts today because I actually had a decent workload today. GO PISTONS!
Stacey and I started the Star Wars di-triology (Episodes 1-6) last night. We have already completed the 24 Seasons 1 & 2 marathons as well as the "Brat Pack" fest. To answer your question, they rank #1 Breakfast Club #2 St. Elmo's Fire #3 Sixteen Candles #4 Pretty in Pink. You can't truly appreciate "Not Another Teen Movie" until you watch those movies. I like watching movies with her because it never gets boring.
No musings or facts today because I actually had a decent workload today. GO PISTONS!
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
It's no John Edward, but...
I have never been one to believe in people communicating from beyond or any of that "White Noise" crap, however....
At work, my coworker grabbed a campus envelope from the bin. For those who aren't "in the know" of campus communications, manilla envelopes are reused to pass around paperwork from department to department. Just cross of the previous name and stick it in the mail. The last name on the envelope she picked up was her father's whole name. He did have a common name, so it could be a coincidence. Although, I checked MSU's database and there isn't a single entry that comes close to matching that name. How does everyone else feel about strange occurences? Anyway, John Edward is still the biggest douche in the universe.
Intercourse, PA is 604 miles from Climax, MI. It would take a woman 9.5 hours to travel that distance, but a man could go from Intercourse to Climax much quicker.
At work, my coworker grabbed a campus envelope from the bin. For those who aren't "in the know" of campus communications, manilla envelopes are reused to pass around paperwork from department to department. Just cross of the previous name and stick it in the mail. The last name on the envelope she picked up was her father's whole name. He did have a common name, so it could be a coincidence. Although, I checked MSU's database and there isn't a single entry that comes close to matching that name. How does everyone else feel about strange occurences? Anyway, John Edward is still the biggest douche in the universe.
Intercourse, PA is 604 miles from Climax, MI. It would take a woman 9.5 hours to travel that distance, but a man could go from Intercourse to Climax much quicker.
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
Today's Post is Brought to You by Allegra
My allergies are in full gear today. Maybe I am growing allergic to post-its and Microsoft Office. I am going to miss sitting around all day and making $7.30/hr for doing minimal work. How did I get this job? NETWORKING. I may have gotten paid a very crappy $6/hr last summer to lug 30 lbs. up and down steps, but that job lead to much more. It got me this cushy office job, a few good references, and will most likely lead to the Lugnuts internship and full time job. Not bad for pushing pop and peanuts.
Here's the difference between using celebrity to your advantage and ruining your career. Britney Spears' show is like watching a 16 year old girl that thinks she is deep and insightful. Everyone thinks she is a drama queen, immature, and even a little white-trashy. Her rat-like husband is ruining her career. Paris Hilton knows everyone thinks she is a dumb, sexy, party girl. So she builds her own clubs, markets perfume, and stars in a successful TV show that highlights her stupidity.
The Breakfast Club is definitely the best "brat pack" movie. Sixteen Candles is second, and Pretty in Pink is a distant third. St. Elmo's Fire lacks Molly Ringwald, so I don't consider it a true "brat pack" movie. It was ok, but Demi Moore trying to "freeze to death" by sitting in front of open windows made no sense. Judd Nelson is hard core. Ally Sheedy wasn't cute. "Don't You Forget About Me" is the best 80's song ever.
I like to look at the live cameras on Cedar Point's website at work. It makes me happy if it is raining because that means the people there aren't having fun while I'm at work.
Here's the difference between using celebrity to your advantage and ruining your career. Britney Spears' show is like watching a 16 year old girl that thinks she is deep and insightful. Everyone thinks she is a drama queen, immature, and even a little white-trashy. Her rat-like husband is ruining her career. Paris Hilton knows everyone thinks she is a dumb, sexy, party girl. So she builds her own clubs, markets perfume, and stars in a successful TV show that highlights her stupidity.
The Breakfast Club is definitely the best "brat pack" movie. Sixteen Candles is second, and Pretty in Pink is a distant third. St. Elmo's Fire lacks Molly Ringwald, so I don't consider it a true "brat pack" movie. It was ok, but Demi Moore trying to "freeze to death" by sitting in front of open windows made no sense. Judd Nelson is hard core. Ally Sheedy wasn't cute. "Don't You Forget About Me" is the best 80's song ever.
I like to look at the live cameras on Cedar Point's website at work. It makes me happy if it is raining because that means the people there aren't having fun while I'm at work.
Monday, June 13, 2005
The Trouble Begins...
Another nine hour work day and some more prodding from Mike and Kevin did me in... I have created a blog. Soon I will be saying "I created a what?" Time to take off the warm ups, put in that mouth guard, and get in the game.
- The girl's name with the highest percentage of hotties is Jaclyn. Think back... have you ever met an ugly girl named Jaclyn? Think I'm wrong? Open up facebook and do a search for Jaclyn.
- I have a college degree, but one of the women I work with is convinced I'm an idiot. Everytime I am dealing with someone on the phone or in the office, she interrupts me and tells that exactly what I was about to tell them.
- The thing about the Lugnuts internship that I'm most excited about is having my bio on their website and wearing my black polo shirt (the highest in the Lugnut polo hierarchy) around the stadium. I think it's about time they offer it to me.
The last time the Pistons won a game in San Antonio was in January of 1997. (0-10 since)
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