
Friday, June 17, 2005

Return of the Random Musings

What does ESPN stand for? S is probably sports and N is probably network. But the E & the P? Every Sport Possible Network? But when is the last time you saw rowing on Sportscenter?
Why is the keypad on a telephone or cellphone numbered 1-9 from the top down while a calculator or computer numberpad numbered 1-9 bottom to top? Which is correct?
What does "Quil" mean in DayQuil or Nyquil?
What happened to Southern Michigan University?
If CNN stands for Cable News Network, and Fox News is a network on cable, does that mean they don't really have any news? If they did, wouldn't they also be a cable news network?
Why are they called the Buffalo Bills? Why is their logo a Buffalo? Shouldn't they be the Buffalo Buffaloes?
I think what doomed Destiny's Child is their name. Child is singular. Shouldn't they have been Destiny's Children? Unless Destiny's Child just refers to Beyonce. I wouldn't be surprised.
Every U.S. President with a beard has been a Republican.

1 comment:

Kevin said...

According to, ESPN stands for Entertainment and Sports Programming Network