
Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Lost in the Headlines

They had an hour special with that Runaway Bride and her fiance' last night on NBC. She ran off and claimed that she was kidnapped, but admitted she made the whole thing up when they found her. WHO CARES?! She is going to get a book and TV movie deal with NBC, which means she is going to make money off of this. Maybe I should follow in her heroic footsteps and claim a hispanic man kidnapped me.
The boy that was lost at a Utah Boy Scout Camp was found yesterday 5 miles away from where he was last seen and police claim that there wasn't any foul play involved. Now his parents are acting like he is a hero. He was the one that got himself lost to begin with. He didn't get kidnapped - he just walked off. I hope the Boy Scouts don't let him in because he sucks. I wonder when his NBC TV movie will come out. I can't wait to hear about his scary ordeal and the dramatic ending of him getting to level 10 at a game of Tetris on one of the rescuer's cell phone.
At least this is all we have to talk about in the news. Thats a good sign, right?

Midday Update:
His parents said what got him off the mountain was his hopes that the Pokemon cards he ordered from E-Bay had arrived. Not his life ahead of him, not his friends and family, not even his pet - his motivation was a 3*5 card with a picture of a cartoon blob. This kid is stupid.

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