
Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Road to Okemos

I am taking Mike's advice to think about how I got here, this amazing land of opportunities, this Okemos. In my 22 years, I have:

Seen a surprise concert by Eminem after watching the premiere of 8 Mile
Marched in a Disney World parade
Performed on a Disney World stage
Played "Survivor" with 7 people for a week in a small room with barely anything else(I swear it was fun)
Planned that same event the next year as it was going on
Watched a MSU football game from the press box and interviewed players after the game
Hosted a radio show (as crappy as I was) that people actually listened to
Competed on the tennis team (as crappy as I was) and won second place on a bum ankle
Interned at the Palace and walked around the backstage like I owned the place
Gone to some good parties and many bad parties
Gone to many good games like U-M/MSU Football 2001 and MSU Hockey def U-M @ Yost
Graduated from college (graduation wasn't that fun, but I'm still proud

And that's just what my crappy memory came up with in 10 minutes. I like Kevin's quote about not worrying about things that you can't change because that was the most important thing I learned freshman year of college.

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