
Friday, July 08, 2005

Michigan State Spirit

From a July 8th Lansing State Journal article on MSU students studying abroad in London:
"She canceled class then began searching for the students absent from class. After three hours, she found the last two inside a pub, watching television reports of the attacks."
I'm sure they only went to the pub to watch the news. Michigan State spirit lives on in England...

I found a gray hair growing from the middle of my forehead this morning...

Can I just say that I've dealt with more complex phone calls today than I've ever had to in the past year. For example: one caller got pissed that I didn't know who Dennis was. Finally I figured out he meant our secretary Denise when he kept referring to Dennis as "her". And my day (8am to 10:30pm) is only half over. I hope that the people at the stadium tonight know how to tip and won't be assholes to me. Today made me fear my internship schedule a little more.

1 comment:

Kevin said...

Grey hair!? That's just wrong man. Just no.