
Monday, June 20, 2005

It Was Like A Dream...

I'm not going to talk about you know what and who should've been guarding you know who because it is upsetting and we all know what I would say. SO...
Weird day yesterday and today so far. I wasn't planning on going home for fathers day and my mom and I had a big fight over the phone when she found out I didn't have to work like she thought I did. I cried for the first time in a really long time because she was talking to me in front of my dad, so it must've sounded to him like I REALLY didn't want to come home for father's day. Also, she made me feel guilty for them all coming two days in a row for my graduation. In the end, I had a really good time and it meant a lot to my dad that I was there.

On the way home, I detoured around the race traffic on Michigan Ave. and went out of Saline on Bemis, which happens to be the first time I've driven the route to Katie's house since... It felt a little weird, but I thought little of it. I think being in Saline again stirred up some HS memories, because in my dream last night I was back in HS. I don't remember much of it, but today I really miss certain things. I miss playing for the tennis team (even though I was bad), I miss seeing Katie dressed preppy with straight brown hair (even though that isn't her anymore), I miss seeing Melanie and Diane, I miss hanging out with everyone during VB practice (I don't miss performing... and I don't miss that practice where everyone was talking about me behind my back...) I just don't feel comfortable right now being a 22 year old college graduate that works in an office all day. Maybe a trip to the bar tonight can cure that...

1 comment:

Kevin said...

But hey, the good thing is that you have Stacey, Kevin, Me, and others that are going to be there, lost and scared, with you.
Right on with that one.

I'm still looking for the "meaning of life," but, philosophy and Zen help me a lot when I feel lost.

...But drinking probably works too.