
Monday, June 27, 2005

Let's Go Nuts... About Decisions!

Last March, I had an interview with the Lugnuts for the marketing internship. It lasted ten whole minutes. And I'm pretty sure I waited in the lobby for three of those minutes and two of those minutes were devoted to pre-interview bullshit like "how's that weather"... very weathery, that's how. Surprisingly, I didn't get the job. I promised myself then that I would have the marketing internship by Christmas. I procrastinated a little on that schedule, but they offered it to me last week. If I take it, this will be the only way of communicating with me. On game days, I will come in at 8:30 am and leave around 10:30. But not the good 10:30... the bad 10:30. It will be a lot of fun because I will get to help with the broadcast and schmooz with people and go on the field a lot. I know it is what I want to do... I hate it that money gets in the way. I will probably make it by and not lose any money (like I did last summer when I had to drive to Detroit to be a Shock intern). I know I will do amazing things for a marketing department someday... I guess this is the road to get there.

Basketball has the most attitude, so the marketing needs to reflect that. Flashy entrances, energized bands, and a hot dance team are a must. But why not try a courtside DJ or pep band? If done right, it wouldn't exploit the urban stereotypes of the NBA or be a carbon copy of college. Baseball is much more of a stadium experience because of the giant outdoor field. In game promo spots in a Major League stadium should be targeted at a few sections. Special promotion days work best in baseball... but the key is to dive deep into them. Don't just give something away - think about how you can fit the look of the stadium, the concessions sold, and the music that is played into the theme. Football is the most dominant sport. Very little needs to be done beyond putting a team that is exciting to watch. That is why Charles Rogers was a person that the Lions had to draft. Hockey does not exist currently and will be on life support when it returns. The main network that is considering broadcasting NHL games is Spike TV... I'm not smart enough to save it.

1 comment:

Kevin said...

My suggestions for changing the NHL...
1) Reduce the size of goalie pads.

2) Widen the rinks

3) Sharks with laser beams attatched to their heads. (or at least ill-tempered sea bass)